Dive in and Discover: Courageous Campers
Do you remember roasting marshmallows over a campfire as child? Or collecting snails from the backyard? Or even building a make-shift tent in your living room out of a spare sheet and some couch pillows? Our “Courageous Campers” group will spend Dive in and Discover week immersed in nature. Students began their journey on a…
Dive in and Discover: Honoring Curiosity in a Hurried World
Mission Statement: “Keys School challenges students to develop a keen intellect and a generous spirit, to advocate for themselves and others, and to honor curiosity and reflection in an increasingly hurried world.” Years ago, in the spirit of our mission statement, Keys School would dedicate time during the year to explore topics beyond their daily…
Hour of Code
The Hour of Code campaign was initially started as a way to demystify “code” and to broaden participation in the field of computer science. Hour of Code has now become a worldwide effort to celebrate computer science as a part of Computer Science Education Week. This week Mayrin Bunyagidj, Keys Lower School Technology Integrationist, designed…
Houston, We Have Lift Off
3rd grade students have recently been learning all about the four forces of flight, gravity, lift, thrust, and drag, in science class. To put their study unit on thrust into practice, Lower School Science Teacher Maresa Tucker taught her students how to build bottle rockets out of recycled materials. Today the 3rd grade class became…
In connection with their letter-writing unit, first grade students have been learning all about the Post Office. Soon the first grade class will open their very own Keys School Post Office. To prepare for opening day, students have been hard at work writing letters and planning mail routes. Today first grade utilized materials from Keys…
Hello December!
First grade students kicked off the month by designing and constructing unique penguins today in art class.
Lights, Camera, Action!
Keys third grade students performed their class play for the whole Lower School community today. Fifth grade even joined Lower School in the audience to cheer on their third grade buddies!
One Small Step for Man
Armed with nothing but their wits, Kindergarten students in P.E. class worked together in teams to hop across space (the lawn) using “gravity tiles” to get from Earth (Little House) to a Satellite (a tree) in need of repairs. Students hopped single file, passing an extra tile from the very back to the front of…
Happy Halloween!
Witches and Legos and Skeletons, Oh My! Keys Lower School and Middle School students came together on our Lower School campus today for our Annual Halloween Parade. More spooktacular parade photos are now available to view on Vidigami. Click here to access the full photo album, download your favorite shots, and add your own photos as well!
Building A Foundation
First grade students broke off into small groups to practice visualizing addition through various games and activities. Yael Cushman, First Grade Teacher, and Lani Wenger, First Grade Associate Teacher, use visuals and manipulatives (such as the tens frames shown here) to build students’ conceptual understanding and number sense. Students here are visualizing how 7+6 can…