Keys welcomed students and families back to school this week, and the Keys School community kicked-off another year of vibrant learning and growth!
It didn’t take long for students to transition from the slower, more relaxed pace of summer to the bustle and excitement of back-to-school mode. At Lower School, students and teachers have been working to create their “Essential Agreements,” class expectations and norms that define how students will treat one another and create a community so that all can learn.
Middle School students assembled to share their perspectives on the Keys School Mission and Code of Ethics, with students emphasizing the important Keys tradition of taking care of one another.
The lively conversations about our students’ commitment to create a culture that allows for individuals to thrive and deep learning to happen echoed throughout both campuses this week. We are again awed by our students’ insight and their ability to set an optimistic and exciting tone for the 2016-2017 school year.
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