Keys 7th Grade Class Helps Build High-Altitude Balloon

What started for our technology integrationist Steven Zeigler as a fun idea to build a high-altitude balloon became an amazing learning opportunity for our 7th grade class at Keys. After applying for and receiving a teacher innovator grant, Steven quickly joined forces with Jennifer Spaeth and her 7th grade science class to turn his pet project into a chance for her students to learn more about weather systems. Students were put to the task of designing, building, and testing prototypes of the high-altitude balloon that could withstand any natural hazards during its travels. In the end, the balloon that was launched into the skies was a combination of all the success points from each student group’s prototype. The balloon reached an incredible altitude of over 22,000 meters, measuring air pressure, temperature, humidity, and ultra-violet light during its entire journey before landing a few miles off of Highway 5.


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