Our campus beautification group worked on two main efforts; one group focusing on designing and constructing a vibrant new mural for our Middle School campus, the other working to prune and garden the vegetable gardens and landscaping around our quad. Students in our mural group collaborated with local muralist Elijah Pfotenhauer during the week to build a 3 dimensional dragon that now hangs on the wall by the Middle School quad. They worked together to prime and paint the body of the dragon, then every middle school student had the opportunity to paint a scale that was later added to the base to give the mural dimension and structure. Meanwhile our garden group focused on our vegetable garden areas, working together to plant new vines, weed out harmful plants, and water in order to soften the ground and bring some other greenery back to life. Students also added vegetables to the garden, including cucumbers, peppers, oregano, and additional tomato plants, that will later be used by our gardening club to make some nutritious meals.
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