While many Keys students currently bike to our Middle School campus, for some of our students biking is an unfamiliar mode of transportation. In our biking group, students learned all the ins and outs of bike safety and proper bike maintenance. Students started the week with a review on hand signals and a lesson on how to tune up their bikes before heading out for a ride. With their first ride into and through Mitchell Park students were taught about proper rules of the road when biking. After testing their feet in Mitchell Park students went on to bike through Stanford campus, navigating bike paths and busy campus roads. Eighth grade students stood as team captains during this trip, making sure everyone on their team rode efficiently and safely. Towards the end of the week the biking group was a well-oiled machine! Students took rides into downtown Palo Alto, exploring two bike bridges in Menlo Park, and finally rode 10 miles all the way out to the Baylands!
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